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Garzon Lake Bridge Opens in Uruguay

Garzon Lake Bridge opened today in Uruguay connecting Maldonado and Rocha counties.

Maldonado is the seat of chic Punta del Este, the "St. Tropez of South America" while Rocha is one of the least developed regions in Uruguay even though it reaches the border of Brazil.

After various challenges to be overcome before building could go ahead the bridge already seems a symbol of unity. Mayors from both Maldonado and Rocha counties hugged at the inauguration ceremony attended also by national Minister of Tourism Liliam Kechichian, property developer Eduardo Costantini, architect Rafael Viñoly and even former President José "Pepe" Mujica. Rocha Mayor Anibal Pereyra claimed, 'This bridge is for the people' and Enrique Antia, Mayor of Maldonado agreed, 'It will connect them!'

In the past, the region of Rocha focused on only fishing and agriculture. Lately and now more than ever it also looks to tourism and real estate. This includes Las Garzas, Costantini's tranquil real estate development, accommodating 480 plots of land and a Clubhouse, stretching 30 miles along the water.'The bridge is a success without a doubt so I am very happy with the reaction of the people today coming to the event even in spite of the rain' said Eduardo Costantini.

The bridge, designed by leading Uruguayan architect Rafael Viñoly, is a co-investment between the national government and Consultatio, the company of Eduardo Costantini, who has been trying to find consensus between the people of the two counties for this construction.

Circular and suspended boat-high above the water by thick stilts, the bridge marks the latest major development venture for the coveted Uruguayan coast stretching from Punta del Este towards Brazil.

This is the first bridge designed by architect Viñoly, who was also designer of the Jazz Lincoln Center in New York and Princeton University Stadium amongst numerous projects. It is iconic, unique in its circular design and ecological in its attention to the environment above, around and beneath it. Speed limits keep noise and pollution to a minimum and its height allows the continued safe passage of fish and fishing boats.

For media interviews with Eduardo Costantini, please contact Rodolfo Milesi, +447919020847, [email protected]


Garzon Lake Bridge

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