Experts focusing on rubberized asphalt processes have teamed up to set up the Rubberized Asphalt Foundation (RAF), a research foundation and a comprehensive expert resource dedicated to the science and practical application of recycled tire rubber in asphalts. Experts in this organization hail from industries, academic and government organizations and primarily focus on the technical aspects of the rubberized asphalt application.
George Way, Chairman of RAF and retired chief pavement design engineer for the Arizona Department of Transportation, informed that asphalt rubber delivers a number of advantages beyond the eco-friendly benefits of recycling scrap tires. It is a sustainable alternative to natural resources. Way further added that the foundation is the result of years of work realized by organizations and individuals who are committed to developing rubberized asphalt for wider applicaitons.
RAF has also developed a repository of valuable information related to the use of recycled tire rubber in asphalt. These informations include projects, case studies, white papers and other valuable data. It also plans to hold forums, events and research related to this field in the future when the organization achieves membership.
RAF is a dedicated expert resource providing awarness and technical knowledge in the use of rubberised asphalt. The foundation has many experts who have done research in the practical use of recycled tire rubber in asphalt. It provides awareness and technical knowledge to improve the development and wide usage of this rubberised asphalt.