Oct 13 2009
Facilities Management, Corporate Real Estate, and Human Resources Use PeopleCounter To Schedule, Manage, and Measure Actual Versus Planned
Utilization of Alternative Workspace and Other Shared Assets
PeopleCube, provider of intelligent workplace, resource, and energy management technology, and CountWise, the industry leader in people-traffic monitoring solutions, today announced that they have formed a partnership to deliver a real-estate management and measurement solution called PeopleCounter.
PeopleCounter enables customers to schedule shared workspace and other corporate assets, track actual utilization of that space with the CountWise Video Imaging/Shape Recognition technology, and measure and analyze the resulting data to discover actual versus planned space utilization. By implementing PeopleCounter, customers are able to understand how real estate is being utilized in order to make educated, cost-saving decisions regarding their real-estate overhead.
“Tracking actual utilization of space in the corporate world has long been considered the ‘holy grail’ of effective real-estate management,” said PeopleCube president and CEO John T. Anderson. “Because real estate is typically an organization’s largest expense after personnel, understanding how it is being used can save companies thousands, if not millions, of dollars. Partnering with CountWise enables us to integrate the industry’s most accurate people-counting technology with our innovative real-estate management and utilization analysis applications to provide a complete solution for tracking and analyzing real estate utilization.”
“We are very excited about our partnership with PeopleCube,” said Ilan Levran, CountWise CEO. “While CountWise has seen tremendous growth in the retail market both in the United States and abroad, this partnership allows us to expand our business by delivering crucial people-counting technology with a near-immediate ROI to the corporate environment. For any organization looking to reevaluate their real-estate overhead, tracking the number of people who utilize that real estate is a vital aspect of achieving significant cost reductions.”
Combining Two Leading Technologies into One Complete Space Management Solution
The PeopleCounter solution utilizes the I-Count™ people-counting technology from CountWise. With greater than 95% accuracy, this stand-alone video based counting system is the most accurate and dependable product available worldwide. I-Count delivers multi-zone, bi-directional pedestrian traffic counting by combining shape recognition and motion detection in a robust and affordable product.
PeopleCounter integrates I-Count with PeopleCube’s alternative workspace and resource management solution, Resource Scheduler, and Workplace BI, the industry’s first workspace business intelligence tool for tracking and analyzing real-estate utilization. Customers first use Resource Scheduler to schedule shared workspace and other corporate assets, then I-Count automatically tracks the number of people entering and exiting the scheduled space. The people-counting information is then fed into Workplace BI, where the data is analyzed and measured.
The end result is more than just data, but rather valuable, actionable real-estate utilization information that enables customers, for the first time, to track and analyze not just planned real estate utilization, but actual real estate utilization. It’s this actual utilization information that makes it possible for customers to make educated decisions on how to effectively manage their real estate portfolio, today and tomorrow.
Source: https://www.peoplecube.ai/