Jan 5 2009
'Housing is responsible for just over 28 percent of the UK's primary energy consumption and associated CO2 emissions,' says Dr Mark Gillott, project manager of the Creative Energy Homes study at Nottingham University. This vast project will develop energy efficient homes and technology, and monitor the use of people living in them. It is being funded and conducted in collaboration with major construction, materials and energy companies such as Stoneguard, Roger Bullivant Ltd, E.ON, BASF, and Tarmac.
The project was ‘conceived three years ago’ says Gillott. ‘And we will have seven houses in total, all with a different theme.’ The University has a track record in this field as they had carried out a one-off project with David Wilson Homes around 1999 and 2000. And a couple of sustainable housing pioneers, Brenda and Robert Vale, who wrote the famous The Autonomous House and who worked at the University, built a zero carbon house near Nottingham in the 1990s.
Go online now for the full article and pictures on ‘Eco Housing Experiment’ in the January edition of cubed: www.britishcouncil.org/science-cubed.htm.