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Uppsalahem Commissions NCC to Build 220 Apartments

NCC has been commissioned by Uppsalahem to build 220 apartments, of which 90 for students, in Kåbo, Uppsala. The order is worth SEK 263 million.

Uppsalahem has stringent energy-efficiency requirements and the project also means increasing the density of on-campus student apartments.

The project includes the new production of three apartment buildings in the Haubitsen block in Kåbo, Uppsala. The largest building is being designed around a courtyard and will comprise about 130 apartments and garaging. The other two buildings are intended for students and will each comprise 45 student apartments.

“A substantial need exists for student apartments and, generally, there is a high demand for new housing in Uppsala. We are pleased to be able to meet these needs by providing energy-efficient housing,” says Svante Hagman, Head of NCC Construction Sweden.

NCC and Uppsalahem are implementing the project on a partnering basis, ( which is a cooperative format whereby the key project participants jointly resolve issues arising in an assignment by means of an open dialog focusing on the best interests of the project.

Construction starts in August 2014. The student apartments are expected to be ready for occupancy at the start of the spring term 2016 and the larger building will be ready in stages from August 2016 to May 2017.

The order will be registered during the third quarter of 2014 in the NCC Construction Sweden business area.

This is the type of information that NCC could be obligated to disclose pursuant to the Securities Market Act. The information was issued for publication on July 2014 at 12.45 CET

About NCC

NCC’s vision is to reshape our industry, providing superior sustainable solutions. NCC is one of the leading companies in construction, property development and infrastructure in Northern Europe, with sales of SEK 58 billion and 18,500 employees in 2013. The NCC share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm.

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