Sound Seal, a producer of acoustic noise control products used in architectural and commercial applications, declared that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) has preferred to use Jumpax, a product of the company, in its W1 reconstruction process.
MIT, a residential facility with over 1000 faculties, undergraduate and graduate students will use Jumpax as an underlayment for staff and student housing within the W1 building, which is 100+ years old and located inside the campus in Cambridge, MA.
Presently, the entire aged interior of the W1 building has been removed and the building is completely refurbished. The old construction of the building and the state of the ceiling assembly and floor structure has necessitated the construction of a new structure-borne audio underlayment.
The Jumpax acoustical underlayment, utilized at the M.I.T. project is a quick setting dry leveling, free floating and sound reducing floor formulation structure. The easy to level product can be used in large floor preparations conveniently.
Sound Seal provides a range of audio noise reducing and sound proofing products for the use in architectural and commercial constructions. The company handles the requirements of the clients through its three product segments such as Impacta Flooring to handle floor underlayments, Architectural Division to manage interiors and the Industrial Division to provide in-plant noise reduction.