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PureSpectrum to Launch First Linear Fluorescent Dimmable Ballast Models in January

PureSpectrum, Inc. (OTCBB: PSRU) is preparing for a January rollout for the first of four linear fluorescent dimmable ballast models planned for release in 2010 that are expected to provide an immediate stimulant for the company’s sales efforts in the commercial and industrial retrofit and new construction market sectors.

The company has submitted two dimmable Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) products for Energy Star certification this month, and the company’s first dimmable ballast product offering will be a step dimming ballast that is cost effective, easy to install and provides three levels of light output. The product will initially be test-marketed in January through manufacturer’s representatives in four major metropolitan markets in the United States in order to address sales cycle and logistics details in preparation for a full product launch in the second quarter of 2010.

The dimmable ballast is compatible with standard wall switches as well as optional control devices such as motion sensors, occupancy sensors, vacancy sensors, photocells and time delay switches which are used to manage light levels. In addition to the ballast’s inherent energy saving properties which could result in an energy savings of more than 70 percent depending on the dimming program employed, the ballast meets the dimming ballast efficiency specifications established in Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations as well as building code specifications for efficiency being introduced or strengthened in other states.

PureSpectrum’s sales staff is meeting with the company’s ballast manufacturer this week at PureSpectrum’s offices in Savannah to be fully prepared to discuss installation and applicability with distributors and manufacturer’s representatives following the product rollout in January, and the company is producing a detailed installation video to be disseminated to distributors and manufacturer’s representatives. There are more than a billion linear fluorescent lighting fixtures in commercial, industrial and institutional structures in the United States, and retrofitting or replacing those lighting fixtures is expected to be a $100 billion industry during the next few years as buildings strive to become compliant with increasingly strict energy efficiency codes. A building’s interior lighting system is a dominant consumer of energy and can typically account for as much 30 percent of total energy usage.

“Being able to launch this dimming linear fluorescent ballast in January opens the door to the retrofit and new construction markets for PureSpectrum, and with the CFL products we anticipate launching in the first quarter we are enthusiastic about our ability to rapidly expand our revenue platform,” said PureSpectrum president and CEO. “We feel confident that the work we have done in advance of launching multiple product lines has enabled us to establish critical channels and relationships which will be productive components for the company as we continue to build toward our 2010 revenue goals. The relationships we have established and continue to develop to support sales in the U.S. and abroad will enable us to see an immediate impact on our sales and revenue generation efforts. In addition to continuing to cultivate mass distribution for our CFL product lines, we will now be able to approach new revenue streams such as national distributors serving the commercial construction markets.”

Dimming and sensing is gaining momentum as one the most rapid routes to improved energy efficiency for buildings as investments are made in adjustable lighting programs which provide different light levels according to a schedule or depending upon a room’s occupancy or natural light availability level. Whether used in new fixtures or used to retrofit existing fixtures, the step dimming ballast does not require special wiring and provides three light output levels without complicated and expensive control devices.

“There are a multitude of uses for this dimming ballast model, and our sales staff will attempt to garner traction in multiple market sectors where the product is applicable,” Vanatta said. “Because of the ease of installation, the product’s energy saving capabilities and the flexibility of applications, we believe this product puts the company in a favorable position to realize high volume sales on a national and international scale shortly following the product’s introduction in January.”


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