Nov 13 2009
Today, Searchable Listing of 5,296 California Construction Projects in Commercial and Residential Sectors Are Available for a $59.95 Fee
BidClerk – a national data clearinghouse for construction projects, contractors, consumers, and manufacturers – today announced the immediate availability of 5,296 new construction projects in California in both commercial and residential sectors. These California projects are actively seeking bids from contractors and building material suppliers. Every one of these 5,296 jobs is searchable by town, city, and county.
For a $59.95/month fee, visitors at can view the detailed job value, location, and contacts included in each project record. In addition to the California construction projects listed, BidClerk is also offering 85,467 new projects nationally, all searchable at every geographic level.
(BidClerk also offers 362,066 project-related companies and 747,612 personal contacts within those companies.)
“In a ‘dream scenario,’ a contractor or supplier could find a searchable list of all the new or pending construction projects in California listed in one place for one low price,” said BidClerk’s Mike Gaynor. “And that’s exactly what we offer: Nearly 800,000 total records, and a wealth of current new-job postings by state, all accessed for around $2 per day.”