Oct 24 2009
Free Water Wise home water surveys offered to residents and customers
California American Water in coordination with Water Wise will offer free, on-site surveys of indoor and landscape water use to single-family and multi-family residential customers within the company's Ventura County service district. The indoor survey includes a test of showerhead and faucet flow rates, an estimate of toilet flush volumes, and a test for leaks. The landscape survey includes a review of the irrigation system, irrigation design and watering schedules. The survey also includes reading the meter to reveal possible system leaks in the customers system. California American Water's water survey program is a free service offered to customers to help them save water inside and outside, and lower their water bill.
"Our customers will work one-on-one with trained surveyors to analyze how water is being used both indoor and outdoors," said California American Water's Operations Manager Al Yanez. "Customers will also learn how to tell when they are over-watering their landscape and receive information on drought tolerant plants."
Customers will be provided a set of recommendations for improving water-use efficiency and a packet of educational materials that includes information on toilet, clothes washer and landscape rebate programs. California American Water will also provide free conservation kits with water saving devices including low-flow showerheads and garden hose nozzles, at each meeting.
"The free Water Wise water audits show customers how implementing recommended conservation measures can result in significant water savings," Yanez said. "California American Water is committed to giving our Ventura County service district customers the knowledge, tools, programs and resources necessary to reduce their water use and save money."
Source: http://www.amwater.com/