Oct 23 2009
Penny Worley Auctioneers announces the online auction of furniture, fixtures and equipment from FDIC Receivership for Silver Falls Bank in Salem and Silverton, Ore., according to Jerry Jenkins.
Items in this online bank auction include: computers, executive office furniture, IT equipment, copier/printers, office equipment, vaults, storage and shelving, as well as bank technology like check readers, coin sorters and currency counters.
"This is a great opportunity to purchase computer and IT equipment along with office furniture," said Jenkins. "All of these items will sell to the highest bidders."
Jenkins said the items were ordered sold by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) as receivership for Silver Falls Bank. In 2008, Penny Worley Auctioneers was named an official auctioneer for the FDIC.
Source: http://worleyauctioneers.com/