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Solar Power Wins Contract to Construct 350kW PV System at McClellan Business Park

System Will Utilize Solar Power, Inc.’s New PeaqTM Solar Canopy System

Solar Power, Inc. (“SPI”) (OTCBB:SOPW) announced today that it has signed a contract with MP Holdings to build a 350 kilowatt photovoltaic (PV) solar system as the first phase of a multi-megawatt system installation at McClellan Business Park located in Sacramento, California. A former Air Force Base, the McClellan Business Park has been transformed into one of California's most unique business centers featuring more than 8-million square feet of commercial and industrial space. The management team of the business park is dedicated to providing tenants with a top-level service experience. The new system will serve to reduce energy costs at McClellan Business Park, providing a direct benefit to tenants.

Solar Power, Inc.'s innovative Peaq solar canopies deliver weather-protected parking through an elegant, scalable platform for the Company's highly efficient solar arrays

The system to be installed at the business park will feature Solar Power, Inc.’s latest innovation, the PeaqTM solar canopy system designed to convert parking areas into solar arrays. Peaq is a highly scalable modular system that provides an alternative to traditional rooftop and ground-mount solar module arrays. In addition to providing an optimal platform for arrays, the Peaq solar canopy system will provide year-around weather protection, and energy efficient LED up lighting for enhanced night-time security to tenants and visitors who park under the structures. One of the environmental benefits of the Peaq system is a reduction in the urban heat islanding effect associated with metropolitan areas and exacerbated by large open asphalt parking areas. Peaq shades parking lots, reducing heat buildup while generating electricity through the solar modules mounted on top of the canopies, creating a true economic and environmental win-win solution. Peaq solar canopy systems are modular, kitted solutions that arrive from SPI’s manufacturing facility with subassemblies in place. SPI’s unique kit-style approach minimizes both installation time requirements and costs.

“The quality and design features of Solar Power, Inc.’s PeaqTM solar canopy system provide us with a very unique opportunity,” said Larry Kelley, CEO for McClellan Business Park, LLC. “The system will reduce our electricity costs while providing our tenants and their visitors the additional benefits of weather protection for their automobiles all year. The Peaq system bears a distinct look which will be an aesthetic complement to our development.”

“This is our first Peaq installation in the United States and we are very pleased to have it here in Sacramento,” said Steve Kircher, CEO of Solar Power, Inc. “Peaq is a great platform for solar, and from an all-around solution perspective, there is nothing else like it on the market today. Peaq’s unique architectural design and attributes will undoubtedly draw a lot of attention to the McClellan Business Park.”


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