Americans Support Development and Funding of Solar Energy

A vast majority of Americans, across all political parties, overwhelmingly support development and funding of solar energy, and their support for solar has remained consistent over the last year.

These and other findings were reported today in the 2009 SCHOTT Solar Barometer((TM)), a nationally representative survey conducted by independent polling firm Kelton Research.

The survey found that 92 percent of Americans think it is important for the U.S. to develop and use solar energy. This strong support for solar remains unchanged since Americans were asked the same questions in the June 2008 SCHOTT Solar Barometer (94%). (The difference is within the margin of error for both polls.)

This support for solar power is consistent across political party affiliation with 89 percent of Republicans, 94 percent of Democrats and 93 percent of Independents agreeing that it is important for the U.S. to develop and use solar power.

Furthermore, close to eight in 10 (77%) Americans feel that the development of solar power, and other renewable energy sources, should be a major priority of the federal government, including the financial support needed. This sentiment also remains the same since June 2008 (77%).

"The SCHOTT Solar Barometer confirms our belief that Americans are ready for solar energy," said Dr. Gerald Fine, President & CEO of SCHOTT North America. "We've invested over $100 million in Albuquerque, New Mexico and created hundreds of green jobs manufacturing innovative solar products."

"With controversial debates happening all over America, this isn't one of them," said Rhone Resch, President and CEO of the Solar Energy Industries Association. "Americans overwhelmingly want clean, reliable solar energy for their homes and businesses. It's now time for Congress to listen to the American public and prioritize the use of solar in upcoming energy legislation. By expanding the U.S. market for solar, Congress will reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions while creating jobs in all 50 states."

The poll also showed that if they had to choose one energy source to financially support if they were President, 43 percent of Americans would opt for solar over other sources such as wind (17%), natural gas (12%) and nuclear (10%).


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