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Energy Efficiency Wins Award for Siemens Green Building Program

The European Commission has commended Siemens’ Building Technologies Division for outstanding achievements in support of its GreenBuilding Program. This award pays tribute to the company for furnishing expert and committed support to a large number of customers in implementing improvements to the energy efficiency of their buildings.

GreenBuilding is a voluntary program that was brought into being by the European Commission at the beginning of 2005 with the goal of improving the exploitation of potential energy savings in business through information and motivation. Building owners are advised and supported when modernizing energy facilities in their non-residential buildings, and receive public recognition for their pioneer role.

From the outset, Siemens Building Technologies committed itself to a GreenBuilding incentive plan in the role of supporter. In this capacity the company provides comprehensive information about the GreenBuilding Program, encourages building owners and users to become GreenBuilding partners and helps them to implement recommendations described in the program’s relevant technical documents.

“The presentation of the Annual GreenBuilding Award 2008 to Siemens Building Technologies expresses our recognition for its remarkable and exemplary updating of buildings and the implementation of GreenBuilding principles in new projects”, explained Program Manager Paolo Bertoldi at the award presentation ceremony on April 10 during the Light + Building trade fair in Frankfurt/Main.

“Energy efficiency in buildings is our core business activity. That’s why we’ve supported the GreenBuilding Program from the outset”, Andreas Schierenbeck responded when accepting the award. For decades the Building Automation Business Unit within the Building Technologies Division headed by Andreas Schierenbeck has specialized globally in energy-saving and resource-conserving solutions in building automation and services to optimize energy consumption in buildings. Building Technologies has already received a number of awards for special achievements in this field, most recently as Best European Energy Service Provider (2006) and for the best energy service project in Europe (2007).

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