Oct 25 2007
Cooler temperatures are here and Oncor wants all residential customers in its service area to take steps to make their homes more energy efficient this winter.
During its two-month Take A Load Off, Texas(SM) Tour, Oncor representatives and contractors met with hundreds of consumers in four Texas cities to educate them on different energy-saving measures that would help lower energy consumption. As part of this program, Oncor has developed a list of helpful tips to help you save energy right now.
- FILTERS - Check your filters monthly. Clean or replace if dirty.
- WEATHER-STRIP/CAULKING - Weather-strip and caulk around windows and doors to prevent drafts. A gap of just one-quarter inch can let in as much air as a softball-size hole.
- INSULATION - Be sure that your walls and attic are properly insulated. Adding insulation in your attic is one of the most cost-effective savings measures and one that you can do yourself. The recommended insulation level for most attics is R-30 (or about 9-14 inches, depending on the insulation type).
- TEMPERATURE CONTROL - In the winter months, it's best to set your thermostat to 68 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. Use a programmable thermostat with your heating system to automatically lower the temperature at night or when no one is home. By turning your thermostat back 10-15 degrees for eight hours, a homeowner can save about 5 percent to 15 percent on heating bills -- a savings of as much as 1 percent for each degree if the setback period is eight hours long.
- LIGHT IT UP - Replace your current incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs), which use 70% less energy than a standard incandescent bulb and last up to 10 times longer. Turn off unused lights and electronics (TVs, radios, computers) when you leave a room.
- SEALING LEAKS - Install gaskets behind outlets and switch plates on exterior walls. Foam gaskets can be found in most home improvement stores.
- USE YOUR CEILING FANS - Ceiling fans can keep you comfortable in the winter too! Reversing the direction of the blades pushes warm air down in to the room.
Be sure to visit http://www.oncor.com/efficiency each month for a new list of energy-saving tips.
Oncor is an electric distribution and transmission business that provides power to more than 3 million homes and businesses and operates more than 115,000 miles of transmission and distribution lines in Texas.