Aug 10 2007
For those working in the fire safety industry, witnessing the destruction fire causes to human life and businesses is an almost daily experience. Thankfully, this isn’t the case for those outside the industry. However, office fires happen every day and the damage they cause is considerable. Reducing their impact could be the difference between survival and failure for your company. Home Office statistics show that one third of all businesses that experience a major disaster, such as a fire, fail within 12 months. The damage done to facilities, stock and essential resources, not to mention the inadequacy of certain insurance policies, can often cause sustained interruptions in your service delivery, causing your clients to look elsewhere. But this could be very different if your staff were capable of handling fires before they escalate. BRE’s new DVD, containing two individual training sessions, will educate your staff to reduce and avoid fire damage in case of emergency.
‘Your Office Fire’ features a typical office fire reaching flashover in little more than four minutes, with no special effects. It also offers valuable guidance on preventing them and limiting the damage they cause to property and business critical IT.
‘It Happens Every Day’ illustrates how to safely shut down an office fire using CO2 and H2O extinguishers. It explains clearly which extinguisher to use dependant upon the nature of the fire and when to leave the fire fighting to the experts.