Jul 11 2007
In an effort to better serve its building and consumer communities, today Georgia-Pacific Building Products LLC launched a significantly redesigned Web site. As one of the nation's leading suppliers of building products to lumber and building materials dealers and large do-it-yourself warehouse retailers, Georgia- Pacific has always been committed to proven product performance, innovation and customer satisfaction. The redesigned Web site is part of the company's strategy to address the needs of architects, builders, contractors and consumers.
Georgia-Pacific Building Products conducted research as part of the process, which reinforced that Web site visitors seek clear product terminology, a text-centric home page tailored with information to meet their specific needs, efficient search mechanisms, and easily accessible information, such as dealer locations. Architects, for example, demand high- level architectural specifications within just a few clicks of the landing page.
"Our audiences, primarily builders, architects, 'do-it-yourselfers' and homeowners, need a streamlined, direct user experience," said Brent Paugh, vice-president of sales and marketing for Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC. "We redesigned the Web site to focus on better serving the commercial and residential building community and do-it-yourselfers with a user-friendly, clear and action-oriented online solution."
The Georgia-Pacific interactive team implemented the following specific site improvements:
- A new search application to help users more easily find specific information on the site
- Streamlined navigation to ensure the site provides easy access to information targeted to specific audiences such as architects or contractors.
"Ultimately, the redesign will make our site more 'sticky,' decrease the number of one-page only visits, and reduce the 'abandons' at the home page," said Leslie Schworm, manager, Internet marketing communications. "By focusing on user goals, we believe the site will enhance customer relationships and lead to a more productive online experience." Schworm adds that nearly every visit to gp.com/build results in a PDF download. "Architects, construction professionals and consumers alike rely on our site for comprehensive product information."