Jun 5 2007
The race to reduce the Carbon Footprint of Britain’s buildings by 20% by 2020 and combat climate change will be debated by engineers at an event in London on 7 June.
Saving the 20% seminar will take place at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), Birdcage Walk, Westminster. Practical ways to reduce carbon footprints (the impact human activities have on the environment in terms of greenhouse gases produced, and measured in units of carbon dioxide), will be discussed along with how the UK local authority target to reduce CO2 emissions by 2020 – and exceed the EU pledge of 20% will be the core of the event.
As well as the engineering community, the event is aimed at figureheads in the construction industry, architects, consultants, designers and academics to give them an insight into the latest technologies and techniques needed to create and design greener buildings.
John Taylor, a sustainability consultant with Energy for Sustainable Development in Sheffield, will give a talk entitled, Building Zero Carbon Homes, and examine what designers, developers and local authorities must do to meet the challenges of going zero by 2016 and how a ‘Zero Carbon Home’ can be built.
Other workshops include:
14.10 Back to Basics for a Sustainable Fuel Supply Chain
14.35 Designing for Biomass - examining the carbon of wood fueld biomass; pitfalls of solid fuel plant; issues for your building and cost implications
15.55 New Build or Refurbish - what is the environmental impact of new builds and refurbishing existing buildings - where does the balance lie?