Apr 24 2007
With weekend warriors anxious to start sprucing up their yards in anticipation of the summer season, Leisure Woods, manufacturer of screened gazebos, provides advice to homeowners so that they don't do damage to their yards.
First off, homeowners should not rake their lawns until it feels firm. If it is soft and spongy, it is best to keep off the lawn altogether because heavy foot traffic could compact the soil. As well, raking before the ground has dried could mean the grass plants are torn out by their roots.
Cheryl Scordato from Leisure Woods also warns homeowners not to plant grass seed too early. Again, the ground should be firm. In addition, summer mulch in the garden should not be put down until the garden has a chance to dry out.
"We know that homeowners are anxious to get started on yard work at this time of year. If you absolutely have to get in the yard, pruning shrubs and small trees is a good place to start. Another good springtime job is to pull winter mulch away from plants that are actively growing and turning yellow underneath the mulch," Scordato explains.
"Another job we recommend is planning for any backyard additions you might want to install for the summer. Springtime is a great time to determine what type of screened gazebo would work in your yard. Since this is a busy time of year for orders at Leisure Woods, we recommend that homeowners allow for three to eight weeks for production time," Scordato concludes.
Anyone interested in yard work should proceed with caution in order to keep his or her yard healthy and vibrant. Use this time to plan backyard improvements like adding flower boxes, a deck and a screened gazebo.