Jan 16 2007
The Ecobuild 2007 conference, Making Sustainable Construction Happen, takes on the most important issue of bringing about change, debated and discussed in a flexible new format of 6 half-day sessions, each addressing a key theme.
Ecobuild 2007 also provides the broadest and most in-depth practical information programme in the UK, with a selection of green building seminars (30 sessions running in 6 separate theatres throughout the event), and the UK's largest and most-established exhibition, dedicated to sustainable design and construction. It features hundreds of suppliers showing the very latest and most innovative products and services.
The exhibition also includes several interactive features, including:
- Green Roofs: showcasing the variety, beauty and practicality of living roofs
- Eco Interiors: a living space furnished and decorated entirely with sustainable products
- Streetscene: demonstrating how a well designed public realm can integrate sustainable products and features into the urban landscape
Event address: Earl's Court 2 London
Notes: The conference is aimed at everyone involved in the creation and delivery of policy and regulations, and any aspect of architecture and design, engineering, planning, surveying, development and construction.