Jan 2 2007
Keller HCW GmbH (Ibbenbüren-Laggenbeck, Germany) has set up the new facing brick factory OOO "Terbunsky Gontschar" in the Central Russian village Terbuny, which is located approximately 450km to the south of the capital city Moscow.
The facing brick factory was designed by Keller HCW and Rieter-Werke (Konstanz, Germany) in cooperation with the Russian Belpromprojekt Institute in Belgorod. The order for the complete plant was placed by Atomenergomontag, Moscow. Special attention is made for the personal support of the Governor of the Lipezk region, Korojov Oleg Jurewitsch, to provide the mainly agriculturally-oriented population with high-quality construction materials.
In the presence of the President of the Federation Board of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Mironov Sergeij Michaelowitsch, the Governor of the Lipezk region, Koroljov Oleg Jurewitsch, as well as important representatives of the Lipezk region and the Raijon Terbuny, and by the investor, Silivanov Michael Alexejewitsch, the Brick Factory was inaugurated on 4 October 2006.
The clay material is taken from a clay deposit near to Kasinka, approximately 15km from Terbuny. The clay deposit was formed in the Palaeozoic era, during which time Davon marine sediments and continental sandy-clay rocks of carbon arose. Sedimentation began again in the Jurassic period and continued up to the Upper Cretaceous Stage. These layers are covered by the continental deposits of the Tertiary and Quaternary formation.
The brick factory is operated with an output of 40 million standard bricks per year for the reference size 250mm x 120mm x 65mm, with a perforation of 27%. For the production of 40 million standard bricks per year around 450 t/d of clay material are required.