Nov 30 2006
BRE and partners the University of Limerick (UL) and Limerick Institute of Technology (LIT) have announced the creation of BRE Ireland - a collaboration which aims to establish a new, independent, authoritative Irish body that will set the standard for sustainability, innovation and enterprise in Irish construction.
Prof Conleth D. Hussey of the University of Limerick says ’The Irish construction industry is currently building at a faster rate than any other country in Europe and with a growing population there are no signs of this abating - our goal is to get the industry building in a sustainable and innovative way that provides a better quality of life for occupants without compromising the quality of the life of future generations’.
The objectives of BRE Ireland are to
Develop and deliver a range of consultancy services specifically in regard to sustainability to meet the current and future needs of all stakeholders in the Irish Construction Industry.
Encourage and facilitate all types of innovative practice throughout the Irish Construction Industry.
Promote enterprising activities and facilitate the commercialisation of such practice by means of testing, and appropriate third party approval and certification.
Undertake a range of activities including education and training that promotes a proper awareness of all aspects of sustainability.
Seek to play a key role in relevant Government led initiatives on sustainable development or innovation in the built environment.
Participate in strategic research to underpin the Construction Industry
Seek to collaborate with partners from across industry and academia throughout Ireland
Dr Maria Hinfelaar, Director of the Limerick Institute of Technology, in welcoming the formation of BRE Ireland stated that the initiative has the potential to promote Limerick and the LIT and UL to the forefront in training, education and research in the Built Environment and by building on existing research strengths in partnership with BRE will develop a centre of Built Environment expertise and technology in Ireland.
Guy Hammersley, Chairman of BRE Ireland added ’ BREs mission is to build a better world – we plan, along with our Irish partners, to provide a range of services to the hugely prolific Irish construction industry that have become so important as the industry strives to build and refurbish in a more sustainable way – we are very excited about this venture.’
BRE Ireland will be operational from January 2007. The BRE Ireland office will initially be based at the Enterprise Acceleration Centre, Limerick Institute of Technology.