Biobuilds MODULE is the new family of modular Passive certified houses, available for order and delivery both in Romania, France, Sweden and UK. The available sizes start with the 19 sqm version and up to 96 sqm variant. The Module comes ready to live in, customers having the possibility to choose in the online configurator the interior layout, HVAC equipment, interior and exterior finishes.
Sustainable and Zero Costs for Heating and Cooling
Operational CO2
This new generation of houses can save up to 5 tons CO2 per year, equivalent to the energy consumption required for heating/cooling a conventional house. Furthermore, it can save 200 tonnes of operational CO2 during the MODULE’s lifetime.
Embodied CO2
While it takes over 50 tonnes CO2 to build an average house, a Biobuilds Module emits 60% less CO2 during construction due to low energy consumption in the prefabrication stages. In this way our buildings save 30 tonnes of embodied CO2 during construction.
Stored CO2
Due to the organic materials used in the construction, such as wood fiber, 8 tons of CO2 can be stored over a building life.
Zero Energy
All modules are equipped with an integrated solar kit. With an output of 1.6 - 2.2 times more electricity than the module needs, the customer can become a prosumer.
The MODULE has the advantage that it can be mounted on almost any surface, can be moved to another location at any time, does not require a foundation, nor a building permit (in certain countries) or connection to the natural gas grid.
OPEN MODULE can be ordered online on the website:, with a delivery time between 30 - 90 days. The price starts from 29.240 euros, for the 19 sqm version.