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Construction Market in South Africa Expected to Grow at 7.78% CAGR

Thanks to rapid urbanization, the Construction Market in South Africa is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.78 percent from 2015-2019, says research firm TechNavio.

About the Report

According to the latest report from TechNavio, the gap between energy supply and demand in South Africa has led construction companies in the country to focus on energy-efficient building construction.

“The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) has introduced mandatory energy-efficiency regulations for new buildings, in an effort to reduce the burden on power generation plants and electricity supply grids,” says Faisal Ghaus, Vice President of TechNavio.

Features like rainwater harvesting and renewable energy water heating systems are being extensively used in new construction projects. Existing projects are also in the process of updating these features, so as to fulfill efficiency guidelines.

“Special attention is being paid to construction of eco-friendly and energy-efficient homes as the urban residential sector is the major consumer of electricity,” says Ghaus.

Furthermore, in an effort to curtail infrastructure financing challenges and reduce the infrastructure gap on the continent, governments in many African countries are adopting public-private partnership models for the development of social and economic infrastructure.

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