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Industry Research Report on Global and Chinese Markets for Refractory Materials

Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Global and Chinese Refractory Material Industry Report, 2014-2016" report to their offering.

Refractory material is one of the indispensible materials in such high-temperature industries as iron and steel, building materials, chemicals, nonferrous metals, etc. Over 70% of refractory materials worldwide are applied in iron and steel smelting, 17% in building material industry and 4% in chemical industry.

Now, China is the largest producer and exporter of refractory materials around the globe. In 2013, China's refractory material output hit 28.189 million tons, sweeping more than 66% of the world's total; export volume topped 1.769 million tons, 51.7 times the import volume.

Despite the global leading position, Chinese refractory materials have been confronted with the prominent problem of overcapacity in recent years. Additionally, subject to growth slowdown in downstream sectors, the falling demand and other factors, market competition intensifies. Enterprises in the field received reduced orders and saw sales volume in decline, some companies even in the red.

According to statistics of The Association of China Refractories Industry (ACRI), in 2013, 59 key refractory material companies in China posted a year-on-year rise of 3.19% in refractory material output and a year-on-year increase of 2.83% in sales but a year-on-year drop of 10.36% in profit.

In the future, Chinese refractory material industry will enter a range of lower growth and may even experience some slight decrease. It is projected that during 2014-2016, Chinese refractory material output will register an AAGR of around 3.8%.

Against the sluggish market, companies at home and abroad have made breakthroughs in various ways, in which merging and reorganization becomes an edge tool in improving market concentration.

RHI is the largest refractory material company with 33 plants in the world, 4 of which are located in China, capable of producing 1.7 million tons of refractory materials annually. In 2013, RHI gained 69.6% equity of Orient Refractories Ltd. via two successive acquisitions; in 2014, RHI planned to take over one raw material plant in Erzurum, Turkey of Cihan Group and the mining right.

Key Topics Covered:

1 Profile of Refractory Materials

2 Development of Refractory Materials Worldwide

3 Development Environment of Refractory Materials in China

4 Refractory Material Market in China

5 Refractory Product Segments

6 Upstream/Downstream Refractory Materials in China

7 Key Companies Worldwide

8 Key Enterprises in China

9 Summary and Forecast

Companies Mentioned:

  • Beijing Lier High-temperature Materials
  • Haicheng Houying Tade Group
  • Haicheng Magnesite Refractory General Factory
  • Jiangsu Sujia Group
  • Krosaki Harima
  • Magnesita Refratários
  • Morgan Advanced Materials (Formerly Morgan Crucible)
  • Puyang Refractories Group
  • RHI
  • Ruitai Materials Technology
  • Saint-Gobain
  • Shandong Luqiao New Materials
  • Shandong Luyang Share
  • Shandong Refractories Group
  • Shanxi Xixiaoping Refractories
  • Shinagawa Refractories
  • Sinosteel Luoyang Institute of Refractories Research
  • Sinosteel Refractory
  • Tongda Refractory Technologies
  • Vesuvius
  • Wugang Refractory
  • Yingkou Jinlong Refractories Group
  • Yingkou Qinghua Group
  • Zhejiang Jinlei Refractories
  • Zhejiang Zili Corporation Limited
  • Zhengzhou Zhengdong Technology

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