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TransCore Selected to Develop Express Lane Network for Bay Area

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s (MTC’s) Bay Area Infrastructure Financing Authority (BAIFA) has selected TransCore® to develop, integrate, and maintain a network of express lanes providing Bay Area motorists with lower congestion alternatives.

The competitively procured $54.6 million project will convert 90 miles of existing high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes into express lanes on I-680 from Dublin to Walnut Creek; I-880 from the Santa Clara County line to San Leandro; and I-80 in Fairfield. The work is expected to be completed by the end of 2017.

The goals of the project are to:

  • Improve connectivity by closing gaps in the existing High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) network
  • Improve freeway efficiency by making the best use of existing capacity
  • Provide motorists with dynamically-priced lane alternatives and carpoolers and buses with a reliable, congestion-free option
  • Enable future improvements with little to no interruption to motorists

“After a diligent evaluation, we found TransCore’s proposal to be the strongest technically and also to provide the best value. The integration of TransCore’s streamlined system architecture design with their proven product suite was a significant factor in their selection. We also based our decision on the team’s experience and demonstrated success in delivering express lane systems that are operating in other large jurisdictions,” said MTC Project Manager Jim Macrae.

To accomplish the project goals, TransCore will implement an express lane tolling system using its Infinity Digital Lane SystemTM. The solution, known as Infinity Express, uses a system of innovative readers, sensors, and imaging devices to dynamically set, based upon real-time traffic conditions, user fees, which will prominently be displayed on road message signs.

TransCore will also integrate its Advanced Traffic Management System, TransSuite®, into a robust communications network. The enhanced connectivity will enable Bay Area agencies to better monitor and respond to traffic conditions in real-time through the immediate exchange of data among transportation agencies and California Highway Patrol.

TransCore has partnered with many Bay Area transportation agencies over the last 30 years to implement traffic management systems. Most recently, TransCore developed and installed an advanced toll collection and accounting system on the seven state-owned Bay Area bridges, including the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge.

“We are honored to be recognized by MTC as the firm most qualified and capable of delivering this important project. Our team looks forward to working with MTC to improve mobility in the Bay Area, and again demonstrate our leadership by delivering a solution built on a combination of innovative tolling and transportation management products,” said Chris Hall, vice president of West Coast projects, TransCore. “We are privileged and grateful to have this opportunity to partner with them again.”

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