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ECOB Defensive Partner Receives Orders for Five New Modular Homes

Eco Building Products, Inc., announced today that Eco Building Products' Defensive Partner – John Paul Builders – has received orders for five new modular homes across New Jersey and New York, which have been specified with Eco Red Shield protected lumber. These five homes represent a growing trend in the Building Industry supportive of the paradigm shift toward the use of defensive building materials, including ECOB's advanced framing lumber.

Paul Rueda of John Paul Builders commented: "At John Paul Builders, we made the decision to use Eco Red Shield on every job we are doing going forward. This relationship with the Team Eco gets stronger by the day because they understand how to support builders being that they were builders first. Additionally, this relationship has created additional business for our Company with Eco sending us job leads as a result of our Defensive Partner certification."

"John Paul Builders was Eco's first Certified Defensive Partner in the Northeast! Not only is Eco's Defensive Partner certification program supporting this paradigm shift toward the use of defensive building products; this relationship is working as well paving the way for future partners looking to raise their standards of building," stated Steve Conboy, President/CEO, Eco Building Products, Inc.

About Eco Building Products, Inc.
Eco Building Products, Inc. is a manufacturer of treated wood products that are protected against fire, mold/mycotoxins, fungus, rot-decay, wood ingesting insects and termites by our proprietary eco-friendly chemistry utilizing ECOB WoodSurfaceFilm™ and FRC™ technology (Fire Retardant Coating) leading the world on Defensive Innovations through the implementation of defensive building practices. Eco Building Products' Global Defensive Vision is to foster environmental stewardship, respect reforestation programs, and consider the carbon footprint and recycling efforts as we forge forward in the protection of homeowners and builders. We believe that in conjunction with these endeavors, Eco Building Products will have a positive impact on U.S. export business as supported by factory-built housing managed by American Veterans, demonstrating once again to America's youth that working in the Building Trades is an honorable vocation.

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