Mar 31 2014
Eco Building Products, Inc., announced today that the Company is undertaking a long awaited project on the most defensive home ever built in the Northeast, featuring Eco Red ShieldTM protected lumber, roof and floor trusses in concert with Eco's full line of defensive products including Eco Disaster BreakTM coatings, Eco ArmorTM defensive paints and Eco TrimTM.
The timing of this defensive rebuild previously stalled by a long winter and a string of bad weather only makes this project sweeter, further proving Eco Red Shield lumber can handle the harsh, wet, cold winter better than raw, unprotected lumber in any climate. This rebuild effort now underway is being led by ECOB President's son, Shaun Conboy, a master carpenter and framer, just like his Dad. Further support in this effort is bolstered by the fact that by next Tuesday, Eco Red Shield protected lumber will be on the shelf in America's leading big box Store in 47 locations in and around NY and NJ, with many more on the way throughout the next few weeks.
"With this house, it is my vision to perfect Eco's plan of teaching those rebuilding how easy it can be to stay in control of their rebuild project. This can be done by establishing a suitable budget that works for the customer and then working toward the mass selection and purchase of all fixtures and furnishings from the local big box. This allows the contractor to focus more time and energy on timeliness and tasks at hand, ultimately eliminating potential jobsite delays stemming from backorders and unforeseen circumstances," stated Steve Conboy, President/CEO, Eco Building Products, Inc.
Supportive of this rebuild now gaining momentum and direction, the Company's Eco Red Shield flagship protected lumber alongside ECOB's line-up of defensive products, backed by a technical team that can support this change in how we build American Houses, is now being supported by the Company's association with the National Association of Manufacturers. "I'm excited to see the response my team has received as they train sales associates and store managers in America's Leading Big Box. It makes me proud of the team we have built because everyone tells me wherever I go that my people are as intense and motivated about Eco as I am," added Conboy.
Also mentioned in recent news, ECOB President's assignment to the District Export Council aimed at assisting Capitol Hill in rebuilding our Construction Industry both here at home and in export business; Mr. Conboy has been selected as a Key Note speaker to be featured at the UN's InfoPoverty Global Conference in April where he will speak about the provision of cost-effective housing and America's capacity to support stomping out world poverty.