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New Pedestrian Pathway at Seba Beach

Residents and visitors can now get around Seba Beach easier thanks to a $94,333-contribution from the federal Gas Tax Fund.

"Safe and accessible sidewalks enable pedestrians to get where they need to go quickly and securely, while leaving roads clear for passing motorists," said the Honourable Rob Merrifield, Member of Parliament for Yellowhead, on behalf of the Honourable Denis Lebel, Minister of Infrastructure, Communities and Intergovernmental Affairs, and Minister of the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec. "Our Government is proud to have supported this initiative which will ensure that residents and visitors in Seba Beach can continue to count on a safe and efficient road network, whether travelling by car, bicycle, or on foot."

"Public safety is a priority with our government," said MLA Ken Lemke. "We are pleased to be a part of this much needed project and commend Seba Beach council for their diligence to improve the quality of life for their residents".

"On behalf of Council and the residents of Seba Beach, I would like to thank everyone who has worked so diligently in bringing this project to its successful conclusion," said Seba Beach Mayor Doug Thomas. "Without the support and financial contributions of the federal and provincial governments we would not have been able to realize our commitment to the citizens of Seba Beach, to continue to improve our Village for all residents' safety, comfort and enjoyment."

This project involved paving a dirt pathway that ran from 1st Street to 10th Street, and constructing a fence on the hill portion of the path, located between 7th Street and 9th Street. This work has made the pathway safer, addressed drainage and erosion issues, increased accessibility for pedestrians, and made maintenance easier for public works crews, especially during the winter months.

Seba Beach used $94,333 of its federal Gas Tax Fund allocation toward the construction of the new sidewalk and safety guard fence, while the Government of Alberta contributed $45,667. The total cost of the project is $140,000.

The federal Gas Tax Fund provides long-term funding to municipalities across the country to build and revitalize their local infrastructure. The Government of Canada has invested over $10 billion to date in municipal infrastructure through this program, and passed legislation to make it a permanent transfer of $2 billion per year. In Alberta, the program currently provides over $199.5 million of predictable, long-term funding annually to help municipalities build and revitalize public infrastructure. As part of Economic Action Plan 2013, the Government committed to index the Gas Tax Fund to provide additional funding for communities, starting in 2014.

Canada's Economic Action Plan 2013 is delivering a New Building Canada Plan to build roads, bridges, subways, commuter rail, and other public infrastructure in cooperation with provinces, territories, and municipalities. Thanks to the Government of Canada's leadership and our strong economic and financial fundamentals, the Canadian economy has recovered from the global recession better than most other industrialized countries. Canada has been a leader among G-7 countries throughout the recovery with more than 965,000 net new jobs created since July 2009. The New Building Canada Plan, combined with other federal infrastructure investments, supports Canada's infrastructure advantage, a key enabler of economic growth and job creation.

For additional information about federal investments in infrastructure visit Infrastructure Canada or follow us on Twitter at @INFC_eng.

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