The Bank of America Tower in Jacksonville, Florida which was constructed by Parmenter Realty Partners (Parmco) has been awarded Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance (LEED EB+OM) certification by the US Green Building Council.
The Bank of America Tower is a 42 story building covering an area of 660,791 sq.ft which was recently acquired by Parmco. After the acquisition the company has invested on many alterations and modifications to the building to achieve the certification. The renovations have not only helped achieve this award but also brought down utility expenditures for lessors by 20%.
Significant features of the building include new aerators for lesser water usage, usage of light sensors, recalibrated cooling and heating systems, lighting retrofit, enhanced recycling procedures, tenant education programs, enhanced green cleaning processes and lesser landfill waste. The LEED award is administered by the Green Building Certification Institute (GBCI) to institutional and commercial projects under the LEED Rating System. The LEED EB + OM certification offers certification to ongoing sustainable operations in existing institutional and commercial buildings. According to the Vice President of Facilities and Sustainability for Parmco, Steve Harrison, environment conservation has always been the focus of the company. Achieving LEED certification gains significance since it is a very difficult certification to get. The company hopes to add the certification as another feature of the building and use it for marketing purposes. Apart from LEED certification the building has also achieved an Energy Star Rating of 83. This is Parmco’s sixth property to receive LEED certification