Sterling Construction Company recently declared that its affiliate, Myers and Sons Construction, is a 30% joint venture partner on a $102.6 M worth highway project in Los Angeles, California. Shimmick Construction Company, with a 70% interest functions as the lead partner in this joint venture.
This highway construction project, to be initiated this summer will continue for the next three years. The project operation includes reconstruction of Highway 710 for a 9 mi stretch that extends throughout the south of Los Angeles. It consists of 3,300 concrete panel replacements, 90,000 CY of concrete paving and eight bridge widenings.
According to the Chairman and CEO of Sterling, Patrick T. Manning, the Sterling Construction Company, with its 50% joint venture with Myers and Sons will continue to serve the areas of California. The company also anticipates working on this project in association with Shimmick that will ultimately lead to its partnership on other forthcoming projects.
Sterling is a well-established heavy civil construction company. It is renowned for its expertise in building and reconstruction of transportation and water infrastructure and serves California and other states with ample construction opportunities. Some of its service areas apart from California include Arizona, Nevada, Texas, and Utah. The company’s water infrastructure projects encompass wastewater, water, and storm drainage systems and its transportation infrastructure projects comprise bridges, light rail, highways, and roads.