California American Water declared that it has commenced the building of its pump station at Folsom Boulevard. The facility, when completed, will make extra surface water supplies to the residents located in the company water supply system areas such as Rancho Cordova, La Riveria and Rosemont.
The new pumping station will bring relief to the area, which presently depends on ground water supply to meet the water supply requirements of around 56,000 customers. The new facility will enable the water supply systems at Rancho Cordova, La Riveria and Rosemont to get the purchased water supplied from the city of Sacramento. Concerted use of ground and surface water provides ecological and water quality improvement benefits by enabling the increased use of surface water supply during the rainy months. The new facility will bring down the pumping of water from the underground aquifers to protect them from over drawl of water and spread of polluting sediments such as that found close to the Mather Air Force Base and Aerojet.
The project with a budget allocation of $3.2-million will be constructed at the intersection of Folsom Boulevard and South Watt Avenue. On completion, the station will pump over 3 Mgal of water every day meeting around 35% of the average daily requirement of the area. The project is anticipated to be finished in the first quarter of 2012. The construction will not result in traffic restrictions or interruptions in service.