Hubbard Construction has declared the acquisition of Roadway Management (RMI), which is a Central Florida-based pavement preservation company. RMI currently operates in all the parts of Southeastern United States.
The acquisition will allow Hubbard to include several pavement maintenance services such as full-depth reclamation, micro-surfacing, chip sealing, and cold in-place recycling in its range of preservation offerings. The acquisition also will benefit Blythe Construction, another subsidiary of Hubbard Construction, which has geared up to commence production at its Charlotte-based emulsion plant in North Carolina.
Currently, Roadway Management will become the fully-owned auxiliary company of Hubbard Construction.
Hubbard Construction will continue to own RMI. President and Chief Executive Officer of RMI, Jeff Roberts, will be reporting directly to President and Chief Executive Officer of Hubbard, Pierre Brousset.