NF Energy Saving, a company that provides energy saving services for municipal infrastructure development agencies, metallurgy, power, coal, petrochemical, and construction segments in China, declared that it has contracted a strategic partnership accord with China Energy Conservation Union (CECU), for the purpose of completing 19 steam-heating pipeline energy conserving renovation projects for a period of three years.
According to the terms of the accord, NF Energy will get a share in the profits from the energy savings yielded by the projects annually for the subsequent five years. Initially, the partnership will commence the construction of four energy conserving projects at Northern China’s large-scale petroleum refineries in 2011. Under the energy performance contracting model, the four projects will have the benefit of combining energy conserving intelligent flow-control systems expertise of NF Energy with that of the refined site consulting and end user administration advantages of CECU, thus allowing the clients a one stop solution. The projects are designed to provide 10% to 20% energy advantage to clients annually.
NF Energy will also be profited by the favorable short term and medium term tax benefits extended to energy conserving industries.