Dec 27 2010
The HOCHTIEF subsidiaries in the USA and Australia have secured new orders valued at more than EUR 200 million. In a joint venture worth EUR 89.7 million (USD 118 million), the recently acquired US subsidiary E.E.
Cruz will lay the foundations for a science center for Columbia University in New York City. Civil contractor Flatiron has posted ten new transportation projects in California and Utah with a total value of EUR 27.4 million (USD 36 million). Just recently, the Leighton participation John Holland received an order to construct several buildings at Singleton Army Base in New South Wales, Australia. The project is worth EUR 83.3 million (AUD 110 million).
E.E. Cruz will construct a 13,000-square meter impermeable diaphragm wall, sink 96 steel columns into the ground, and perform other work for the new Jerome L. Green Science Center. While the building is being constructed through mid-2014, more than 126,000 cubic meters of soil will be excavated and two subterranean floors built. Flatiron is restoring the 77-year-old North Torres Pines Bridge in Del Mar, California through the end of 2012. The company will replace the roadway and retrofit the bridge to make it earthquake-resistant. John Holland will construct buildings including an army museum, accommodations and educational facilities for the Australian base. Work is expected to be completed in 2012.