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Two New Construction Contracts Awarded to Leighton India

The first project is the Chenani – Nashri tunnel in Jammu, Northern India. Leighton India is the engineering, procurement and construction contractor to ITNL, who have signed a concession with the National Highway Authority of India to build and operate the project.

The 2 lane, 14 metre diameter tunnel is approximately 9 kilometres long, and will be one of the longest road tunnels in Asia. The tunnel bypasses an existing winding section of the NH1A highway, and provides an all-weather route that will provide a significant time savings to motorists.

Currently roads in the area can be closed due to weather conditions by more than forty days every year, and the Indian Government has planned a series of tunnel projects and related road upgrades to provide year round access.

The construction work is valued at US $500 million, and will take approximately 54 months to complete, with work due to commence immediately.

“This is a fantastic project for Leighton India,” said Russell Waugh, Managing Director of Leighton India. “The award of this project recognises Leighton’s position as a pre-eminent contractor in India, and our ability to deliver technically challenging engineering and infrastructure projects”.

Leighton India is also a member of a consortium with Sterlite that has been awarded the Vizag Port expansion.

Leighton will undertake the construction work, which includes widening the existing 350 metre long general cargo berth by 21 metres for coal unloading, as well as providing foundations for 2.5 kilometres of conveyor gallery and the construction of a new stockyard and administration building.

Leighton India’s construction work is worth US$45 million. Work is expected to begin in July and be completed by mid 2012.

“The Indian market presents enormous opportunities for Leighton, and we are well positioned with a strong mix of international experience and local knowledge to capitalise on the pipeline of projects coming forward over the coming years ” Mr Waugh said.


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